•   Food and drink which will fuel them for a day of learning

  •  Convenient food and beverage option on campus


  •   Food and drink which will fuel them for a day of learning

  •  Convenient food and beverage option on campus

  •   Food and drink which will fuel them for a day of learning

  •  Convenient food and beverage option on campus

Vending for Education Sector

Hot Drinks Machines

Onsite Convenience 

Grab a snack & drink between classes or during breaks without having to leave the school premises.

Hot Drinks Machines

Generate Revenue 

 Schools can generate revenue from vending machines

 through sales commissions 

Lease Vending Machines

Encourage Healthier Options

We can provide healthy snack and beverage alternatives to encourage healthier dietary habits

Why Choose Venda Valet?

Benefits of Vending Machines in Universities, Colleges & Schools

Vending machines within the education sector are used as a  highly popular solution for quick and easily accessible food and beverages. Here's a few reasons why you'll always find one within educational centres

1. Convenience: Quick and easy access to food and drinks without having to leave campus

2. Fuel to learn: keep students and staff energised for learning and teaching

3. Reduce queue times: Helps cutdown canteen queues and decrease the workload of staff 

4. Generates revenue for you: commissions can be agreed on the sales of any products to help towards your schools costs 

In essence, vending machines contribute significantly to the overall education centres experience, catering to needs beyond just education

We can provide contactless vending machines making it a easier and cleaner for customers

We provide contactless card readers for our vending machines 

Right machines 

for your needs

Flexible agreements 

Stocked, Cleaned  


 Expert Engineers 

Rapid Response

Get In Touch

Venda Valet Ltd, Unit 5, Westwood Business Centre, Featherstall Road South, Oldham, OL9 6HN, United Kingdom

0161 633 3793

Monday - Friday: 8:00 to 16:00

Saturday-Sunday Accessible by Phone/Email

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